Weblogs as Content Management Systems

Directory of Weblogs     Directory of Aggregators
Many small and large organizations are getting CMS functionality from software like weblogs or "blogs."
Indeed there are definitely more of these CMS-lite tools than there are CMS themselves. And although blogs are primarily personal, there are perhaps twenty to thirty million in use worldwide.
Related Links
Google Blogs
DMOZ Blogs
Bloggers Compared (BlogComp)
Syndic8 (directory)

Books on Blogging

Rebecca Blood wrote A Weblog History in 2007.
A more current history was at the Art of Blog in 2017.
Syndic8 is a directory of over 10,000 weblogs and news portals with syndicated RSS news feeds.
Aggregators or News Readers let you automatically read multiple weblogs.
Blogging tools have several characteristics that make them a CMS. And they are very important, because arguably as much content is being managed in weblogs as in all the content in more standard CM systems.
Weblogs have a very simple information architecture. Their main organizing principle is date and time (reverse chronological ordering of blog posts). More sophisticated blog tools add arbitrary categories, as do all news portals. Indeed, early news portals like Slash were often called weblogs.
Some Famous Blogging Tools...

ArtofBlog blogging.com
b2 cafelog.com
Blogger blogger.com
GreyMatter noahgrey.com
Live Journal livejournal.com
Manila manila.userland.com
Movable Type movabletype.org
Roller rollerweblogger.org
Radio Userland radio.userland.com
Typepad typepad.com
Wordpress (B2) wordpress.org
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Author: bobdoyle

This Version:
This version is archived at: https://www.cmsreview.com/Weblogs/index.1.en.html

 Version: 75176 | Series: 103391 

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