Hosted CMS at Application Service Providers (ASPs)

Directory of Hosted CMS Services
Do you run your own web server in-house? Do you have an in-house staff of programmers? If not, then you should rent your CMS from an Application Service Provider who is hosting CM services.

Even if you do host your own website, an ASP CMS can deploy finished pages to your server.

Many proprietary content management systems are available from ASP hosting services. This is a fine way to learn a proprietary system before you buy it. offers dozens of CMS based on the LAMP (Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP) platform for rental.

Related Links
Clueful (Australia)
Google CMS

We hope to have separate web pages with an integrated Forum for each of the major ASP-hosted CMS programs.

The summary page will indicate: platforms and development languages, what databases they support, and what web standards they use(XML, XSL-FO, RDF, WebDAV, etc.)

We solicit reviews from active users of ASP CMS systems. We welcome comments from visitors (you can Read/Post comments at the bottom of every page).

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Author: bobdoyle

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